
SeedDMS is free software, developed by the community for a wide range of users. If you need help or looking for professional support or even hosting of SeedDMS, this is the best place to start.

Contact developers

If you are seeking for help with SeedDMS, or even want to contribute to SeedDMS, then contact

The main developer (Uwe Steinmann) has taken care of SeedDMS for more than 14 years now.

Mailing list

Since April 2024 there is also a mailing list. This is probably the fastest way to get answers to your questions.


For first hand information about SeedDMS and for questions and comments use the forum at sourceforge.


MMK is a company located in Germany and the employer of the main developer of SeedDMS. MMK offers any kind of support for SeedDMS. This is the right place to get first hand support, to customize SeedDMS to your needs or hosting SeedDMS. MMK offers already various extensions for SeedDMS, e.g. intergration of Collabora Office, preview of zip-files, exif data and emails, virus scan, document watermarking, trash can, etc. Though the web site is in german, send your request in englisch if you like.

MMK also offers a hosting service for SeedDMS. Please ask for it.

Get Support

Many of the extensions can be obtained from MMK’s web shop.
